Friday, February 12, 2010

India Trip Three

Well, it's back to India more millions of new stem cells. The last four and a half months have been a little bit of a struggle for me. First, it was a number of different UTI's I fought for the better part of three months. Lots of days fighting fatigue, sweating, and headaches. I finally shook the bacteria three or four weeks ago and have been feeling a lot better in that department. Than came the nerve pain. At first, I thought it was my seat coushion that had worn out, because I had also been experiencing some redness and iritation around my coccyx. The coccyx area is where I have been experiencing all of my pain. I never had any skin break down, but was stuck in bed for the majority of a week because the pain was so bad. This gave me some releif, but at times even getting off my butt didn't help. I purchased a new seat cushion and that helped, but the pain was still at a level that was becoming hard to live with. So, a week ago i visited my doctor and he prescribed lyrica for my nerve pain. This is a medication that takes time to work into your system, so I haven't noticed anything quite yet. The pain has gotten better and I haven't noticed any more irritation on my coccyx. All these different issues have affected my therapy off and on if you can imagine. I have still managed to get stronger and make some noticeable improvements. Some good finger movement off and on. It seems like it comes andf it goes. My stomach muscles have gained some good strength as well as the surrounding core muscles. My balance has increased as well. The strength in my hips as increased as well as in my aductors. Also, I can feel the connection between my mind and my legs the best I have since my accident. It's hard to explain, but it just feels like I'm ready to move my toes any day now. So, the progress is there but sometimes it is hard to notice. I notice it though and my family does as well. This is why we have chosen to make our third trip to India. We will be leaving on Tuesday morning and staying for another month. We can't wait to get there to enjoy the beautiful weather and take in some new stem cells. I will keep everybody posted. Hopefully I haven't ran everybody off by not posting very often. Sorry for that. Lucas Smith


gina said...

Hi Luke,
I hope everything is going well for you and your dad. Your mom said you are doing the Facebook thing so I am trying to find you on there but not having any luck. I know you are busy and working hard... my girls and I send you strength and are praying for your continued progress.

Gina Prather

Breanne Olson said...

Hi Lucas! It's been a long time! You are not going to believe this but I just saw your blog link of facebook and decided to read your stories. And when I say stories, I mean ALL OF THEM. I was suppose to be studying for a class, and I thought I would just read a couple and then read more later but I couldn't stop reading. Well, I am all caught up now and can't wait to hear about 2010's experiences in India. I will pray for you Luke. You are an inspiration to all for your determination and mental strength. Keep up the good work!