Friday, December 19, 2008

More Exciting News

Well, where do I start? It seems like every time I sit down to do my blog I have so much new and exciting news I just don't know where to begin. Since my last blog on Sunday I believe I have had the most exciting five days of my whole entire life. With every new day it seems my stem cells awaken a new part of my body and allow me to reach one step closer to my ultimate goal of being able to walk again. It is amazing at how quickly the stem cells are taking affect and I believe that it is safe to say that everyone, even the doctors, are impressed with the progress. Every improvement I mentioned in my last blog has continued and all have grown stronger. I have also added a few new tricks to my repertoire as well. I am now able to bring my thumb and index finger together to touch on both of my hands. It is a slow process and the muscles in the hands exhaust quickly but it is there. The whole week showed steady progress during my physical therapy sessions. My physio sessions have also been moved to twice daily due to the completion of my standing calipers. One session for table work and another for working on standing. Dipen, my physical therapist, is very competent and pushes me to work hard as well. Friday came and with it the most exciting development in my recovery yet. The morning started with a small conference in my room. Dr. Sudeep, Dr. Ashish, Dr. Shroff and Dr. Rohit were present. Dr. Sudeep and Dr. Rohit are the two doctors we are in contact with daily. Dr. Sudeep is usually our go to guy. He is young, always smiling and very witty. The meaning of the conference was simple. We have been reporting all of my progress to Doctors Sudeep and Rohit and in turn they have been reporting it to Docotrs Ashish and Shroff. We had a small discussion to kind of confirm all the progress that has been mentioned. Afterwards I headed down to physical therapy to start my workout. I hadn't been on the table five minutes and there were the doctors ready to see for themselves. On Dr. Shroff's command I moved both sets of toes. I was able to move the fingers on my hand. Upon seeing the strength I have regained in my hips she immediately asked for my leg calipers to be put to do some standing. Once in place at the parallel bars I was told to shift weight to one side and try to use my hips to move my leg forward. While my balance was being assisted I am proud to say I took my first two steps. One step with each leg. Everyone was amazed. As I looked up at my father I could tell that it was a very emotional moment for him to see his son on his feet once again. Like I said the doctors couldn't be happier with my progress and for now we are just going to keep with what we are doing. No new procedures are scheduled for now but I will keep everybody updated. I have more to tell but fingers are getting weak. Talk to everyone real soon. I appreciate all the comments. Lucas

P.S. Fred and dad are doing great. I will discuss the three of us in the next blog a little more.


Brian Boyd said...

Luke, absolutely unbelievable! I should have known though, you always were the toughest SOB I ever met. Keep up the progress man! Best wishes, Brian.

Mandi said...

Lucas you are an inspiration!! We pray that you will reach your ultimate goal soon. Thanks for sharing your story. Have a safe trip.


Bird said...

Lukie, what incredible advances you have made.....what a wonderful Xmas present for you and your family......before you leave you'll be slapping the nurses fanny. Saw your Mom last night and she updated "the girls" on your progress,we are all so happy for you,continue the great progress....You, your Dad and Fred are in all of our thoughts and prayers this Holiday Season...I am so happy for you.....Bird

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely fantastic news! You are doing so great. You are showing so much improvement in such a short amount of time, can't wait to see what the next few weeks will bring! :) You are always in our thoughts & prayers, keep working hard.

tylertinken said...
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tylertinken said...

Hey Lucas I dont know if you remember me or not from Craig but I recieved an email sending me here. It is awesome to see the progress you are making. I hope everything continues to work and go good for you. Keep us all posted on the progress cuz we are all looking and hoping for help. Take care and post often. Tyler

Eric B said...

AWESOME!!!!! We are so happy for you. I'm sure this all comes with a lot of hard work on your part as well. Keep up the great work! We will keep cheering you on. Thanks so much for updating your amazing progress. The Beckman's

Chris Tuck said...

I bet you're just tickled to get these comments from us "Geriatric Chicks" (i.e., Byrd and myself), but we are so excited for you and the adadge about "all good things come to those who wait" has proved to be true for you. This news has made my Christmas as I am sure it has yours. Now, when you say to Steve, "don't make me get out of this chair" you will do it. You guy aren't missing much here. It's cold and spitting snow off and on today. We think of you everyday. Keep up the great work. We Love you.


Alysen said...

Aaww Lucas.....this made me want to cry. When you made the first 2 steps I can't imagine the feelings and emotions happening with all 3 of you! Words can't even describe right now how happy I am to read and see this. (I'm sure with EVERYBODY else too!) Thanks for posting, it gives me something to look forward to.

Barbie said...

We could not be any happier and excited for you for your progress. We know your drive, spirit, and willingness to work hard is making all this possible. Everywhere you go in town people are asking, "Have your seen Luke's blog?" "He took his first steps!!!" You are the champion of Marshall. Everyone is excited. We are glad you are sharing your news with so many. Take care. Tell all hello.

Robin Klinge said...

OMG! This is more exciting than the Olympics! You are our hero - all three of you. The entire Weseloh family, including Grandma in Tulsa, asks for an update everytime we call. All our love and prayers are going toward India. Thanks for making this Christmas so wonderful for everyone - especially for you!

Jim, Steph, Scott, and Shane Weseloh

Marcia and Lynn in Alaska said...

LUKE LUKE LUKE WOW! This is fantastic news. I can hardly wait for the next posting from you. But for now tears of joy stain my cheeks as I am overwhelmed with happiness for you and your loved ones. Have a glorious Dec. 25th.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Lynn and Marcia in Alaska

Unknown said...

From the Dillon Family: This is fantastic news. Can't wait for next blog. We are thinking about you. Keep up the good work!! Merry Christmas!!!

Barbie said...

Merry Christmas Lucas, Jeff, and Fred. Our wishes go out to you and hoping progress continues for you into the new year. Peace & Love!
The Criswell's