Tuesday, December 9, 2008

One Week Down

We have managed to survive our first full week in India. What an experience!!! Being here only a week I have experienced very little of what Delhi has to offer but what I have seen has been quite an eye opener. The three of us loaded up and headed out on our first excursion this past weekend, our destination was the City Walk Mall. It was about a twenty minute cab ride, which turned out to be the highlight of the day. As our cab driver weaved in and out of traffic It was all you could do just to take everything in. The shear humanity is overwhelming. Cars,buses, and motorcycles in total chaos somehow manage to find their way without little our no accidents. I don't see how it's possible. The mall we made it to was nothing special. It was very similar to everyother mall i have been to. We had lunch, checked out the stores and that was that. When we left the mall we made our way to the Lotus Temple. As we approached the temple their were thousands of people waiting patiently in a line stretching for at least a mile long. Many of the women were dressed in such colorful clothing. It was a beautiful sight. It is amazing how they could be so patient and wait their own turn. You wouldn't see anything like that in the states that's for sure.
I have continued to receive my stem cell shots in the morning and evening daily but have yet to see any improvements. It is still very early so not to worry. Everyone hear at the clinic could not be nicer and try anyway possible to accommodate you. The room we are staying in could be about five times bigger but we are making due. The food, what can I say about the food? I hate vegetables and that seems to be all that they cook with. We are making do but loosing weight in the progress. Me and my father have started yoga and are in the process of convincing freddy to join. Our mission here is to not only heal the body but mind and soul as well. Sounds a little corny I know but might as well take full advantage of the situation. That is it for now. I will be in touch. Like I said thanks for the comments. I really appreciate them.

THIS JUST IN: I will be having my first spinal procedure in the morning. This is what we have made the trip for so here we go. Wish me luck.


The Klinge's said...

Lucas, you are such an inspiration! Good luck with the new procedure, it's going to be great, for sure! It was great to see you guys Saturday (well Sunday morning for you), can't wait to do it again!

Alysen said...

Best wishes on the spinal procedure! That's awesome that you guys get to experience other cultures, not that many people get the chance to! Maybe Yoga will grow on you guys, it has many benefits!

Kaleb said...

Hey Buddy! I am glad to hear that everything is going well. I bet it is quite the culture shock. Maybe you can teach them something about American culture(maybe not). I am working on getting my computer set up, so I can talk to you, hopefully this week. I can't wait to talk to you, good luck with everything! I will talk to you soon.

Robin Klinge said...

Luke, I can't wait to hear how the procedure goes. It was good talking to you this morning (your evening)and hope to talk to you again tomorrow. BTW, Fred and Yoga, good luck with that!

Cassady said...

Good luck Lukie!! I found your blog through Aly's and have been checking it daily. We're all pulling for you!

Megan said...

Lucas, Good luck with the procedure!!

DeeDee said...

Ok guys I am the hall monitor now and checking this out. Luke, your dad and Fred cannot stop talking long enough for yoga but you keep trying. LOL Fred, you can all also remember the book or tapes I told you about. "The Secrect" by Rhonda Byrnes. Attraction is the key word here. Love all you ,


patty pass said...

Hi Luke, We're losing track of days and time here, but know by now you have received the spinal stem cells. We are so very excited for you and cannot wait to hear more!!! Just know that many, many prayers are being sent your way. Yoga is a great way to go . . . would love to get a picture of that, but the visual is good for now!! Keep it up!! Enjoy the culture and the people. Learn to enjoy the vegetables . . . they're good for you!!!!

Many prayers for you!

Patty and Alex Pass

Christy said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you all the time. Tiff and I talked a long time tonight, bet your wanting a steak right now! I am so anxious to keep up your progress.

Nick said...

Hey dude!!! Heard you had a tough time figuring out who I was with the picture I put up on here. HAHAHA, I was laughing so hard just thinking of you and Dave talking to eachother trying to figure it out. HA-LAR-IOUS!!! HAHAHA!!!! This site is pretty sweet, glad I can keep updated on how you are doing. I watched a documentary that Jeremy Piven did on his trip over to India to try and get a look at what you are dealing with over there...looked a little to intense for me, but it's awesome that you get a chance to experience a different world than what we know. I will get over to Dave's soon and get on that webcam and chat. Hope your surgery went well, I have been saying prayers for you and your family.

In the words of the great Bob Dylan "Keep on keepin' on"

Love ya buddy,
Nick "Living for the City" Gibilisco

Dave said...

I can't believe it's already been a week! Your time there will be complete before you know it and it awesome to hear that you all are taking advantage of everything that the experience has to offer! I didn't expect anything less from you! You'll have to teach me Yoga when you get home. I have been trying it out on the Wii Fit, but keep falling off that damn thing! Later Bro.

nicole said...

"Eat your food Lucas"

hey smarty pants, where am i pulling this quote from? i miss ya like crazy and it's only been a couple weeks. Have they talked about your dosha yet? bring home some ayurvedic info from the experts. I have an increased Pitta dosha so anything that can balance that...maybe a colorful purse:) anyhow, i will try and be on skype more often-still don't know how to use it, but i will give it a try. hugs from kansas city!